Analysis of the Plastic Foam Industry in Thailand

Issue 2023 No.3 | July 2023


Thailand is one of the main plastic exporters in the ASEAN region. The plastic demand in Thailand is mainly driven by the medical industry and the plastic packaging. 87% of the plastic producers in Thailand are SMEs, and the market is dominated by less than 5 large enterprises. Even though the demand from the medical sector is expected to subside after the end of the pandemic, the demand for plastic packaging and construction sector is expected to rise with the global economic recovery. The main challenge for the industry arises from the environmental concern both from the government regulation and the consumer preference toward more environmentally friendly products. The enterprises in the industry should address this concern by developing toward sustainable production process and effective waste management.


  • Investigates the factors that impact the demand for plastic and the production process through SWOT analysis, economic analysis, environmental analysis as well as the policy and regulation.
  • Develop competitive strategy for the firm in the plastic foam industry

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